Through our partnership with Polygon, Europe’s leading temporary temperature and humidity control experts, we have acquired a deep knowledge of materials and the importance of drying them to the manufacturers’ specification. We can accurately measure the level of moisture and provide action plans to accelerate drying times, based on the project requirements.
Our state of the art technologies can be used in a number of applications such as joint compound drying, concrete slab drying, dry walling and painting, fireproofing and even wooden floors.
Response. Reliability. Results.
These are the 3 basic principles we follow in order to ensure we deliver the right results to our clients.Each year we help a large number of construction firms, designing innovative solutions which are delivered by our team of skilled technicians who utilise a superb fleet of Polygon heating and drying equipment to ensure rapid, ‘right first time’ response which effectively manages your construction project costs.
Our wide range of heaters and dehumidifiers will suit every construction need. Whether it is for worker comfort or drying paint, these technically advanced units are designed to provide an efficient, cost effective means for completing any project.
The winter weather in recent years has caused major disruption, halted many construction projects and caused damage to materials across Northern Ireland; therefore planning your temporary temperature control measures in advance is vital when conditions during the winter can fluctuate suddenly.
Not taking the necessary precautions now leaves your project open to delays and risks such as mould growth, broken pipes, frozen paint, dry wall compound not drying, and other temperature dependent issues, which can be avoided by utilising a temporary climate control system.
Our climate
With Northern Ireland weather so changeable, materials are often soaking wet, or damp moisture has made hygroscopic material sensitive to vapour absorption. In turn, this moisture may create damage such as the corrosion of metal parts, the chemical breakdown of glue, and microbiological activity like mould growth in organic materials. The challenge for construction managers is to dry out the building / structure with as little disruption as possible, while also allowing considerations for the drying of the materials. For example, materials like wood should not be ‘over-dried’ as this could cause cracking or bending. We have extensive knowledge and experience in heating drying and fully understand the behaviour of moisture in the air as well as materials, drying times, and limits which all relate to the physical properties of the materials to be dried.
The fundamentals of drying
Air has a considerable capacity for retaining moisture and this capacity varies directly with the temperature of the air. As the temperature increases, the capacity for holding moisture increases, this is referred to as relative humidity.
If air is saturated with water vapour at a given temperature, a drop in temperature will force the air mass to relinquish some of its moisture as condensation. The temperature at which moisture condenses out is the dew point temperature. When this happens, surrounding porous surfaces and materials may absorb and retain the water. In this event, we can ensure that you get the right equipment in place quickly to ensure this moisture is removed correctly.
Polygon state-of-the-art desiccant based dehumidification systems are utilised to treat the ambient air in the building / structure ensuring that the materials are always protected, the workers are safe and the project stays on schedule as delays are detrimental to both the contractor’s and owner’s profits.
Provision of safe, clean, dry heat
Providing a comfortable environment for workers is also necessary in areas where temperatures can reach well below freezing. Our indirect fired heaters are designed to provide warmth and clean air to extract moisture from air and materials, meaning that the project will not only stay on schedule but the space remains warm, dry and free from harmful carbon monoxide fumes.
What are the benefits to you?
We provide a turnkey solution with well-engineered equipment, offering an around the clock service that is unmatched in the industry. We also provide a full range of ancillary equipment that may be required to operate the system, including heat resistant ducting, air movers, diesel generators (where no suitable mains power source is available) and associated bulk fuel tanks, cabling and distribution. We also offer a fully outsourced fuel management service, where the client finds refuelling themselves to be impractical, time-consuming, or not cost effective.
The benefits of employing temporary climate control methods from Balloo Hire far outweigh any alternatives; for example taking up a floor to remove wet insulation is clearly a lengthy and expensive process.
Key benefits summary:
· guaranteed energy cost savings by incorporating environmentally friendly technology;
· maintains tight construction schedules;
· increases project quality;
· improves productivity by providing comfortable working conditions;
· improves indoor air quality;
· eliminates mould growth;
· minimises material related warranty issues due to temperature changes; and
· access to 24 hour technical support
· saves money having to buy and maintain machines.
These highly specialised services, available from Balloo Hire, put an end to avoidable wet floors, cold and bad odours, and offer substantial financial savings.
For more information on how we can help you to dry or heat your project, or to engage us to carry out a free, no obligation site survey, please contact us today on our Freephone number 0800 1 970 970 or email . For more information please go to The article will also feature in this month's Specify Magazine - Northern Ireland's No.1 Construction Magazine.